Moses and the Plagues Bingo

A fun and easy way to review key words and facts from the account of Moses and his confrontation with Pharaoh. Great for Sunday School, youth groups, and even adult and seniors get-togethers.
  • Print unlimited different Bingo cards! Color or black and white.
  • Calling cards may be printed or displayed on screen.

Click here to print the Bingo cards
To play Bingo you need a bingo playing card for each player, and a set of calling cards for the leader to call out the words or questions.

Click on each of the tabs to generate the cards you need.
See this page for detailed instructions of how to prepare and play our Bingo games.
Number of Cards:

Enter the number of players cards that you require. You will need one Bingo card per player per game. So if you have 10 people in your group you will need 10 bingo cards for one game, 20 for two games, etc.

You may print the cards in color or in black and white. Uncheck the box if you would like to print in black and white.

Press "create" to generate the cards.
Level of Difficulty explain

Choose whether you want to play the easier, keyword version, or the harder, question version.

You MUST choose the same option for the players' bingo cards and the leader's calling cards.

Size of Cards

Players' cards can be printed in a 3 x 3 grid or a 5 x 5 grid. A game played on 3 x 3 cards will usually be quicker as a player only needs to get 3 squares in a row in order to win (unless you decide that winning requires a "full house", in other words, every square on the card must be marked).

You have 2 choices for calling cards:
a) print them for the leader to shuffle and call out, or
b) display the online calling cards on a screen or interactive white board for the players to see.

To print them, download and save the PDF file.

To display on a screen, select "display calling cards" and click "go".
Level of Difficulty explain

Choose whether you want to play the easier, keyword version, or the harder, question version.

You MUST choose the same option for the players' bingo cards and the leader's calling cards.

Keywords (Easy)

The leader calls out the exact word that the player needs to find on his/her card (hence winning is pure luck).

This is a good way to play when you want the students to review, or become familiar with, the important words from the topic.

Questions and Answers (Difficult)

The leader calls out a question and the player needs to find the answer on his/her card.

This method tests the students on key points from the topic, and winning depends on luck as well as their level of knowledge.

If the students are still learning the subject, you could call out the question, ask someone in the class to give the answer for everyone to hear, check the answer on your calling card, and, if it is correct, all the students can look for that word on their playing cards.